Friday, November 7, 2014

laminated fabric bag n wallet

hai hai hai....long time no always

duh...tiap x nulis di blog ni berasa gmn gt.....
maklum cos  jrg posting ...tll care ama yg lain...hihi...mendua x y

pingin share ft kluarga n pribadi tp kok filenya males mindah ke kompi...y udah deh posting produk2 ku lg aj deh...yg dah terbang ke pemiliknya sma....mksh y ....

hihi...unyu2 y....ak aj pingin tp tll sibuk buat utk dipk sndri...payah y......

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Newest product- laminated/waterproof bags n tripple zip pouch

ya ampyuuuuun, pk banget lg.....bener2 kasian nih blog, sm sekali g keurus....dah 3 bln lg nih sejak posting terakhir...itupun cm postingan terpaksa jg kyknya...hihi....
tips blm jg terealisasi, apalg giveaway...pdhl dah 1 thn lbh ni ....
semangat.....go...go...go.....smga thn ni terealisasi....dr pd ni blog sepi bngt, mending ak ksh unjuk bbrpa koleksi "the other side' yg dah sold kmrn2 yah....
ni produk ku pk laminated/ waterproof fabric tuk pertama kalinya....tetangga dkt rmh yg beruntung pk ni tuk pertama kalinya

nah kl ini my newest design cos br ptama x jht model bgnian...I named it " tripple / double zip pouch...once n succeed  (kyknya slh bngt nih ejaannya...ah biarin ...hehe) jg pk waterproof fabric.multifuntion bngt deh, bs buat tmpt HP, dompet, uang, bank book, note book.....n br launching 1 hr, lngsng ad yg order...alhamdulillah

nah kl ini, dah ketiga kalinya buat pk tutup berenda...customer request

ni jg dah ke 3 kalinya kyknya buat model bgnian.....bosen jg y...hihi

ini cm beberapa ckp sng lht yg jls ketertarikanku sm kain biasa jd berkurang bngt, akibat adanya si waterproof fabric nih....bhnnya bgs g mudah kotor, g usah di kasih lapisan mcm2, dah berbentuk...oke pnya sayangnya mtf2nya msh sngt terbatas......ayo, sp mau  dibuatn pk waterprooof fabric nih, dijmn   enak pknya...g mudah kotor n lbh awet....suerrrrrr...ewewrewer.....

Sunday, April 13, 2014


y ampun, g nyadar dah 3 bln ak g update blog.....heheh....tll sibuk dgn urusan krja RT, blm lg orderan yg alhamdulillah selalu ada aj......
3 bulan....produk2 baru blm sempet ak upload di sini....
Tapi  rencananya mau bagi2 tips buat para crafter tentang kiat2 memulai usaha handmade blm jg ad waktunya.....
habisnya ngiri kl crafter lain bs bagi2 tutorial....pingin jg kn tp masalahnya g da waktunya....hikss.....bnr2 super sibuk y......doain aj bagi2 tips dlm wktu deket....

stay tune yah

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

linen n cotton accordeon wallet

It's wallet time...after months of bags sewing finally I reach a point that I was so boring...So I decided to make wallets....A new look with a new techniqe...(seems my writing is wrong, yet I dont know the correct one....nevermine....)
Well let me introduce my newest product - framed accordeon wallet

I try to choose vintage fabrics for this product due to the vintage looks of the frame....And I love it,  wallets with a touch of vintage n edgy looks.

But you know what...I really enjoy every step of the process cos it's turn out to be much more easier than making bags....more simple n took few times only. And the result is some custom order from my lovely customers....

At the time I writing this, I still on progress of completing of some custom orders.

 Well, actually I have one more new product, which   is accordeon wallet clutch, with long strap      additional.
                                                                                                                                                           But I don't want to show it now...hohoho... dont                                                                                      worry I'll show it in my next writing....
                                                                                      So happy crafting to you all