Alhamdulillah, October was a busy month cos I have some custom orders...n uncomplished yet till now...hehehehe
I only accomplished 3 different tote bags with a same pattern
this is my favorite one, so preety isn't it
Salut for ms. Annete choosing the bird flowery panel n a beautifull pink flowery linen.
Well this red color is a request of the costumer...She does like red a lot...So I try to please her by applying the red though I dont really fix about...but she likes it
The last but not least...the panel was also choosen by the pale isn't it....too many empthy space on the panel...but she choosed it....n u know wahat, there's someone who request it to repeat...hmmmm....well people's taste in art is just so wide open....funny ha
still to be continue for the unfinish custom orders.......
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
linen panel tote bag
yeay, finally I made a tote bag....a bag that unpurposely came up in my mind when I saw the "girl panel"n a stripe bag material.
Well ....this is the short story...I' ve bought the panel 4 almost a month maybe...actually I don't know what it will be, but I kept buy it anyway...but when I saw a stripe bag material...suddenly the idea came up...booms...that's all
n this is it....tharaam
It has many fans since it was by online uploaded.
They wanted it, but it's only a pc to have.
cute isn't it....too bad it was only in a small measurement.
It cann't be bigger resize cos of the small cut of the panel.
Now because of it, I have 4 tote bag orders, with different panel pattern....alhamdulillah
Well ....this is the short story...I' ve bought the panel 4 almost a month maybe...actually I don't know what it will be, but I kept buy it anyway...but when I saw a stripe bag material...suddenly the idea came up...booms...that's all
n this is it....tharaam
It has many fans since it was by online uploaded.
They wanted it, but it's only a pc to have.
cute isn't it....too bad it was only in a small measurement.
It cann't be bigger resize cos of the small cut of the panel.
Now because of it, I have 4 tote bag orders, with different panel pattern....alhamdulillah
Friday, September 13, 2013
handmade bags n wallet- show of time- sold part
Here' are some of my handmade products that were already sold,....
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vintage order of my high school friend...she is really a nice person |
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Cute isn't it |
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Galau....dll...edisi curhat
My first writing on August....8 days after Lebaran.....
This once, I don't want to post about my crafting world..............well I' m in a bad feeling lately.
I don't know why, but....I 'm hardly laughing or even smilling, a lot of uninvite thoughts come to mind.
huuuff.....feeling so tired, bored.....but wow....I just dont' like it, its so poisoning.......
I know I shouldn't be like this for further moments...I should make it stop n back to my normal life....
But thanks God, I still have the mood doing my homework ( my FB orders...bag, wallet, clutch....)
okay....okay.....let's go back to my passion in crafting.....I'm a bit worried of my craft orders/ requesst cos I haven't finished them....though some of them are a long time ago orders....( hehhe, pesanan lama bngts tp blm jd jg).
Well, I wish I have a qualified staff to work on it....If I have that kind of person, I'l be free developing my huge ideas in designing my products...n of course, ny crafting bussiness will go smoothly.....
Oh, dear God ...wish You hear my pray.....
But hey...stop complaining....there is way when you never give up.Just be positive minded.....N keep in your mind the words "EVERYTHING WILL BE OK".....hahaha...easy to say, very hard to do
Anyway.....keep on the spirit....feeling sad is a normal way from God to awake us......
This once, I don't want to post about my crafting world..............well I' m in a bad feeling lately.
I don't know why, but....I 'm hardly laughing or even smilling, a lot of uninvite thoughts come to mind.
huuuff.....feeling so tired, bored.....but wow....I just dont' like it, its so poisoning.......
I know I shouldn't be like this for further moments...I should make it stop n back to my normal life....
But thanks God, I still have the mood doing my homework ( my FB orders...bag, wallet, clutch....)
okay....okay.....let's go back to my passion in crafting.....I'm a bit worried of my craft orders/ requesst cos I haven't finished them....though some of them are a long time ago orders....( hehhe, pesanan lama bngts tp blm jd jg).
Well, I wish I have a qualified staff to work on it....If I have that kind of person, I'l be free developing my huge ideas in designing my products...n of course, ny crafting bussiness will go smoothly.....
Oh, dear God ...wish You hear my pray.....
But hey...stop complaining....there is way when you never give up.Just be positive minded.....N keep in your mind the words "EVERYTHING WILL BE OK".....hahaha...easy to say, very hard to do
Anyway.....keep on the spirit....feeling sad is a normal way from God to awake us......
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Again....purple vintage behel clutch.........
Tuk kesekian kalinya dapat pesenan behel/ framed clutch....Tp kali ini behelnya is my favorite one..
Behelnya tuh kesannya vintage banget, logam bakarnya pun lebih tebal dari yg biasanya...Tapi sayang pas ak beli itu behel cuma ad 1 doang di tokonya....ini dia penampakannya.......tik.... tok..t.ik...tok
ups penampakan yg blm jd 100%...itu frame nya br ditempel diatas kainnya doang blm dilem...hiks....maklum ft jadinya msh di Hp males mo mindahin ke PC....wkwkwk
Critanya, ni behel g ad handlenya, jd ak buat handle sendiri deh dari rantai bakar...sayang susah cr rantai bakar yg gd/ tebel sesuai ukuran behel itu...Kalaupun ada, ckp mhl per meternya...Jadi ak pk yg ada aj...Tp ckp kuat, meski masih terkesan kekecilan....heheeh..."maksa bngt y "
Tapi surprisingly....ak iseng upload di salah satu grup crfater di FB gt,....n woooouww....a huge respon were coming....meski cm nge "like" sih...hiks...slma upload ft hasil craftingku plg banter cuma 5-8 yg ini rekor smpe 40 org lbh...hehe...lebay y, pdhl dibandingin crfater yahud lainnya ini mah bkn apa2nya....
Tp thanks to this beautifull behel n rose cotton, every detail becomes looked perfect...Padahal percaya ga, tuh kainnya cm kain katun lokal biasa...Murah meriah lah...Tp y itu, pinter2 kita aj milih motif n behelnya..
Msh ad pesenan framed clutch lg tp buat tabungan setelah lebaran nant,,...semangat.... n mudah2an sering2 dpt orderan framed clutch lg cos cukup simple buatnya....ok deh slmt bercrfating ria teman2............./???!!!
Behelnya tuh kesannya vintage banget, logam bakarnya pun lebih tebal dari yg biasanya...Tapi sayang pas ak beli itu behel cuma ad 1 doang di tokonya....ini dia penampakannya.......tik.... tok..t.ik...tok
ups penampakan yg blm jd 100%...itu frame nya br ditempel diatas kainnya doang blm dilem...hiks....maklum ft jadinya msh di Hp males mo mindahin ke PC....wkwkwk
Critanya, ni behel g ad handlenya, jd ak buat handle sendiri deh dari rantai bakar...sayang susah cr rantai bakar yg gd/ tebel sesuai ukuran behel itu...Kalaupun ada, ckp mhl per meternya...Jadi ak pk yg ada aj...Tp ckp kuat, meski masih terkesan kekecilan....heheeh..."maksa bngt y "
Tapi surprisingly....ak iseng upload di salah satu grup crfater di FB gt,....n woooouww....a huge respon were coming....meski cm nge "like" sih...hiks...slma upload ft hasil craftingku plg banter cuma 5-8 yg ini rekor smpe 40 org lbh...hehe...lebay y, pdhl dibandingin crfater yahud lainnya ini mah bkn apa2nya....
Tp thanks to this beautifull behel n rose cotton, every detail becomes looked perfect...Padahal percaya ga, tuh kainnya cm kain katun lokal biasa...Murah meriah lah...Tp y itu, pinter2 kita aj milih motif n behelnya..
Msh ad pesenan framed clutch lg tp buat tabungan setelah lebaran nant,,...semangat.... n mudah2an sering2 dpt orderan framed clutch lg cos cukup simple buatnya....ok deh slmt bercrfating ria teman2............./???!!!
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Kanvas blue cath kidston fabric
yeee....adjustable bag n an accordeon wallet....1 set of london blue kanvas....
gara2 kain ini nongol ak dpt 3 org yg pesen tas pk motif ini....thnaks to mbk devi juniarsih yg pertama x mnt ak buat cariin kain ini....
Karena kain ini kanvas impor n merk cath kidston jd teksturnya halus meskipun dia kanvas. Warna motifnya kl dijht trus didedel lg bekasnya susah ilangnya...mgkn itu kelemahan jenis kain kanvas ini y....
MAsih ada PR buat 1 set beginian lg....aduh....pdhl bentar lg dah puasa, trus lebaran....hmmmm kpn liburnya y...wkwkwk
tapi alhamdulillah, br sktr 3 bln ak mulai nyemplung didunia ini, tp respon org2 dah bgs...dah bnyk pesanan...Sayangnya k g pny ckp wktu untuk buat brg ready stock. maklum sharian ngantor, plg ngurus anak...bisanya y pas anakku tidur aj....huhu
Y, tnyata jd org sukses mang g mudah...bnyk bngt yg must dilalui, kuncinya y hrs sabar n tekun....smga the spirit of crafting akan sll berkobar...merdeka....wkwkwkwk....
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Handmade framed purse...made by order
Ini purse behel yg ke 3 x nya ak buat.....hehe...dlm wkt smlm jd, cos dah nemu pattern yg tepat jd g susah lg masang biar klhtn ciamik.....dulu prtama buat , msh ngawur g tau pola yg bnr ky apa...apalg bodinya gembung gt, bngung gmn caranya.
Tapi skrg dah nemu triknya....heheh,...thanks to mbah google yg sll setia menemaniku nge browse apapun yg kumau...hihiihiii
Monday, May 27, 2013
linen wallet...cute pattern
Full linen wallet .....wallet with two money slots, 6 card slots, n a hp slot....with coin pocket at front.
too bad i didn't make the strap yet....not in the mood to make till now....hihihihi....
too bad i didn't make the strap yet....not in the mood to make till now....hihihihi....
Above is the inside picture....all is made from linen except the brown polkadot...its local kanvas.
Too bad, i still feel the bis is not tidy yet...need more practise ...more n more....heheehe
another handmade...Behel/ Frame purse
Another my handmade product...both of them were already sold...actually it's my first time making behel/frame purse....At first i was so confuse how to start...but i didn' t stop browse n browse tilll I understand how.
Then finally ,....yeeee I could finished them....
This frame is the easiest frame to applicate...cos we dont use any glue or even presser tools...just sewing n wholaaa....a beautifull frame purse.
tp itu ft disamping ft purse that unfinished yet...cos yg bagian serut br ak jelujur blm ak jahit....hehehe
wooo, lm2 kok jd bhs indoneisa ni....wkwkwkwkw
Thursday, April 18, 2013
zippered wallet
whola.....3 days hard works n nonstop...... zippered wallet
8 card slot
4 money slot fit for 2 HP
1 zippered slot
material kain linen impor dan kulit sintetis
idr. 80-100 k
Monday, April 8, 2013
zippered wallet....on progress
Akhirnya kesampaian jg bikin zippered mlm lembur ampe jam 1 mlm...duh pg2 bangun kepala jd pusing bnrrrrr.......
Tapi cukup puas cos brarti tmbh 1 lg pengalamnku dlm dunia perwalletan...hoho
Dl dah pernah bikin long wallet , cm k blm nemu bahan buat dalemannya biar dompetnya kelihatan kaku...mksdku kl cm pk karton tebal, kl kena air, y good bye deh....
Lucu si, motife matryoska, plus ad gantungannya jg....dpt beli paketn kain bonus matryoskka charm...
Tapi untuk jahitan plg luar buat nyatuin sma elemen dalm wallet ini aku blm berani jahit sndri..cos tll tebal.Itu br kulem buat ngunci aj....hehe biar nant tukang jahit langgananku aj yg jht bagian ini...Yg plg susah sbnrnya buat ukuran yg presisi buat setiap elemennya, biar kelihatan rapi....
Tapi not bad lah untuk my 1st trial,.....yg jelas kudu sabar...... ....hehe
Tapi cukup puas cos brarti tmbh 1 lg pengalamnku dlm dunia perwalletan...hoho
Dl dah pernah bikin long wallet , cm k blm nemu bahan buat dalemannya biar dompetnya kelihatan kaku...mksdku kl cm pk karton tebal, kl kena air, y good bye deh....
Lucu si, motife matryoska, plus ad gantungannya jg....dpt beli paketn kain bonus matryoskka charm...
Tapi untuk jahitan plg luar buat nyatuin sma elemen dalm wallet ini aku blm berani jahit sndri..cos tll tebal.Itu br kulem buat ngunci aj....hehe biar nant tukang jahit langgananku aj yg jht bagian ini...Yg plg susah sbnrnya buat ukuran yg presisi buat setiap elemennya, biar kelihatan rapi....
Tapi not bad lah untuk my 1st trial,.....yg jelas kudu sabar...... ....hehe
Sunday, April 7, 2013
....handmade linen bag....part 2
My first handmade bags
Both of them are made of synthetic leather and imported linen fabric...the pattern are so them
Both of them are made of synthetic leather and imported linen fabric...the pattern are so them
31x32x9 cm
one zippered slot
2 slots of HP
adjustable strap
idr 200k
one divider
2 slots of HP
long strap (optional )
idr 110k
bisa request warna dan motif kain
for fast respon please contact 085743457570 ( Dewi )
or email
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Handmade Linen Bag
Ini dia setelah beberapa minggu kutunggu, akhirnya jadi jg....Jahitnya mah cm 1 hari, tp cari bahannya itu lho....wkwwk....Tas dengan bahan linen impor dikombinasi dengan kulit sintetis. Ring dan kait handle dari tembaga bakar, jadi terkesan lebih berat.
Aku buat model dan membuat polanya, lalu aku jahitin deh ke tukang jahit pilihanku ...Maklum untuk bikin tas model beginian k blm pnya mesin jahit yang capable buat jahit kulit n yang tebel2 . Lagipula g ada waktunya, pg mpe sore krja, stlh dirumah y wktunya buat klrga dong, especially 4 my lovely daughter. Kasian cetta kl ak sibuk kerjain ini. Itung2 kasih rejeki ke tukang jahitnya....bagi2 gt...hehe
Bagian dalamnya aku kasih pocket beresleting, muat untuk tempat dompet, harddisk dan kosmetik.Sisi satunya ak kasih 2 pocket HP.
Butuh perjuangan juga buat nyari bahan - bahannya. Untungnya dudlu waktu hamil muda k suka buat cluth ato purse sendiri, jadi dah tau tempat buat beli2 bahannya. Yang ak suka dari tas ini adalah kainnya, cos it's imported punya....Namanya kain linen yang memang cocok buat bikin tas ma dompet. Patternnya lucu2, kok Indonesia g bs buat kain ginian ya...hmmmm
Nah....kurasa udah pantes buat dijual...Kira2 siapa y yang mau adopsi tasku ini ............??????
Aku buat model dan membuat polanya, lalu aku jahitin deh ke tukang jahit pilihanku ...Maklum untuk bikin tas model beginian k blm pnya mesin jahit yang capable buat jahit kulit n yang tebel2 . Lagipula g ada waktunya, pg mpe sore krja, stlh dirumah y wktunya buat klrga dong, especially 4 my lovely daughter. Kasian cetta kl ak sibuk kerjain ini. Itung2 kasih rejeki ke tukang jahitnya....bagi2 gt...hehe
Bagian dalamnya aku kasih pocket beresleting, muat untuk tempat dompet, harddisk dan kosmetik.Sisi satunya ak kasih 2 pocket HP.
Butuh perjuangan juga buat nyari bahan - bahannya. Untungnya dudlu waktu hamil muda k suka buat cluth ato purse sendiri, jadi dah tau tempat buat beli2 bahannya. Yang ak suka dari tas ini adalah kainnya, cos it's imported punya....Namanya kain linen yang memang cocok buat bikin tas ma dompet. Patternnya lucu2, kok Indonesia g bs buat kain ginian ya...hmmmm
Nah....kurasa udah pantes buat dijual...Kira2 siapa y yang mau adopsi tasku ini ............??????
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Pre Order Dress
Recycled DIY
Another recycled DIY....this time I choose food's obviously more durable and easy to find in our house. One day I saw a chocolate box can at my office, then somehow I had an idea to make over it into a beautifull can. What was in my mind was that it's too pitty to throw away the can.. I like the shape, anyway.
Then I went to a paper shop and picked some art paper...Carefully I wrapped the can with the art paper. Remember, not to give any space on the surface of the can by giving glue ( here I used Fox white glue, usually apply for wooden ) smoothly on the surface using a brush....Try to have a balance aqueous glue to easier apply ... You can add some water into the glue... became a beautiful can...Then I make another one....While the Tango, I let it just that way cos it seems a bit difficult to wrap because of the round shape....But I'll try someday when I have the mood...Cos mood is number one in crafting......Don't you all agree.....!!!!
SO. ...let's go green by recycling everything around us....
Then I went to a paper shop and picked some art paper...Carefully I wrapped the can with the art paper. Remember, not to give any space on the surface of the can by giving glue ( here I used Fox white glue, usually apply for wooden ) smoothly on the surface using a brush....Try to have a balance aqueous glue to easier apply ... You can add some water into the glue... became a beautiful can...Then I make another one....While the Tango, I let it just that way cos it seems a bit difficult to wrap because of the round shape....But I'll try someday when I have the mood...Cos mood is number one in crafting......Don't you all agree.....!!!!
SO. ...let's go green by recycling everything around us....
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